Public Vocational High School 5 Pekanbaru paid a visit to Underground Mines Education and Training Centre Sawah Lunto, West Sumatera.

SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru – Wednesday (27/12) Public Vocational High School 5 Pekanbaru, on Wednesday, December 27, 2017 visited Balai Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah seeking opportunity for future            partnership. This visitation was intended to learn the programs, facilities, infrastructure, and how the underground miness training managed here. There were 19 people in this entourage, some of them were The Principal of SMKN 5 Pekanbaru, Dra. Hj. Dwi Gusneli, MPSA, Public Relation Vice Principal, Mrs. Osfioza, S.Pd, Means and Facility Vice Principal, Rizon Efendi, M. Eng, Student Vice Principal, Hamidi, S.Ag, and Curriculum Vice Principal, Mr. Tejo Mulyanto, S.Pd., and the rest are teachers and Administration Staffs.

Dra. Hj. Dwi Gusneli, MPSA, as the principal of SMKN 5 Pekanbaru, directly led the team. There was a warm welcome from the head of Administration Division of BDTBT, Mr. Agus Avianto,  and his team, represented the head of BDTBT. His welcome speech started the meeting, and then the tour continued as he showed the BDTBT’s profile on screen.

The representatives of BDTBT continued explaining the history and development of BDTBT Sawah Lunto.

 “In 1953 Sekolah Teknik Tambang Menengah (STTM), Miness Technical High School, was founded. It was officially opened in May, 1953. In the development era (1980-1990), STTM Ombilin was reopened in 1987 dan officially inaugurated as a new academic year by the governor of West Sumatera on September 19, 1987. Inaugurated by The Minister of Mines and Energy on January 23, 1998. On June 31, 1992, STTM Ombilin was turned into Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Tambang (LPPT) Ombilin, Institution of Miness Education and Training. This institution has graduated a number of  alumnus, they are skilled and qualified engineers in mines, mines machinary, mines electrical field. Majority of alumnus work at PT. BA especially in coal mines operation in Ombilin Sawah Lunto dan Tanjung Enim,only small number of the alumnus work at other companies. On August 20, 1996, LPPT Ombilin (Institution of Miness Education and Training) was changed into Ombilin Miness Training College through the signing of partnership MOU curriculum and training method development between YPTTPO and John Batman Institute of Tafe (JBIOT) Australia. The The mission of this partnership is establishing a mines education and training institution, which was internationally standardized and independent. JBIOT assigned 2 experts (principal and curriculum specialist) to support the development of training material not only for underground mines but also for open mines heavy equipment maintanance. In 2000, there was partnership between Indonesia (Ministery of Mines and Energy ) and Japan (JICA). This partnership based on Records of Discussion between General Director of Public Mining which was signed  on October 19, 2000. The partnership involved underground coal mines technology reverse which included : Long term and shor term expert assistance in mines field, mines safety, mines machinary technology, mines electrical technology, and environment technology concerned with underground coal mining. Bantuan hibah equipment and training facility directly from Japan. This partnership was in 5 year, from April 1, 2001 through out March 30, 2006. Operationally, Jica assgined expert team at BDTBT under Mr. Hiroaki Tatsuno leadership as JICA team leader, one coordinator and 5 long term experts. Since 2004, JICA team was led by Mr. Katsuhiko Sep accompanied by one coordinator and three experts. Ombilin Miness Training Colloge (OMTC) turned into Balai Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah (BDTBT), Underground Mines Education and Training Center, in 2003”, explained the lecturer of BDTBT.

Dra. Hj. Dwi Gusneli, the Principal of SMKN 5 Pekanbaru, also delivered her speech showing her gratitude to the welcoming ceremony.

“Alhamdulillah we are all very grateful for the warm welcome from Mr. Agus as a representative of Sawah Lunto Miness Education and Training Center. We are here to explore an opportunity for a mutual partnertship and also to learn more about facilities, infrastructures, as well as  programs practised by this training center, to make references for our own  future programs at school. We have 4 year Geology Mines as a major at our school, there is a great interest to introduce this training center to our students as a media to enlarge their insight as well as their knowledge. We would also like to get some information how to register our students at this training center”, The principal added in her speech.

After the welcome greeting and a short greet and talk, the team was invited to see the laboratory at the training center. In the tour, Mr. Agus not only explained some safety equipment used at the field by workers but also told the team about explotion process and ground drilling in coal mining. The entourage was also invited to see a model of underground tunnel used as a workshop for the trainee at the training center on how the process of making hole for coal drilling.

Finally, the team was led back to the meeting room. And the tour was ended by exchanging souvenirs from both party, SMKN 5 Pekanbaru and BDTBT. (Wednesday, 27/12/2017). Red. Jhoe.




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